Greatest ever. The big screen might help a little, but feel like the best action movie since Matrix I've ever seen. Body moves, guns, knifes, no need talking, just save time for killing. John Wick is now equal with Ethan Hun to me, they have no match in terms pure action movies.
业余间谍出糗记 1开头说猪湾事件不是cia的锅是Jack F K的锅实际上cia难辞其咎实在想不通想想cia为啥要刺杀jfk 2偷医疗文件文件就在桌明面上他们就是找不到前任3只能说灯下黑吧 3为了剧精彩内容改得和历史有明显倾向一星观望吧